The Museum’s programs support Colorado’s academic and curriculum standards and focus on the multidisciplinary approach to understanding and appreciating Colorado’s rich geological and historical past. For more information about each program, visit our EDUCATION page. 

Fees: Fees for schools which are classified as public institutions are waived. Private institutions and groups are encouraged to call the museum for more details. Donations are greatly appreciated.

Questions: Contact Charlotte at (970) 728-3344 x4, or e-mail at

Please Choose the Program You are Interested In:
Moving Day: Colorado’s Migration Story (1st-5th grade) (via History Colorado) - Students take a journey to explore the movement of people across Colorado from pre-history to 1870 through the exploration of objects, photographs and discussion.Western Work: Colorado Industries of the Past (1st-5th grade) (via History Colorado) - Through objects, photographs and role-playing activities, students will become “entrepreneurs” in some of Colorado’s most important industries.Ute Knowledge: Colorado’s Original Scientists (1st-5th grade) (via History Colorado) - Students investigate how the Ute Indians used science, technology, engineering and math to survive and thrive in the Rocky Mountains.Historic Hospital tour with exhibit themed scavenger hunt (1st-4th grade)Immigration and Migration: Telluride’s story (1st-4th grade)

Please Note That These Activities Need to Happen Outside:
Day in the life of a Miner (1st-5th grade) - Explore the growth of early Colorado industries through objects, historic photographs and role-playing. Become an “expert” in mining, saddlery and spurs, ice, millinery and dressmaking, and more!Cool Colors with Dynamic Dyes (2nd-6th grade) - Explore the history of Ancient Pueblo Peoples in the four-corners region and the Anasazi Blanket. Students will get a chance to hand dye their own textile.Hike into Geology (3rd grade) - A guided hike to explore geologic formations. Students get to identify the geological forces that shaped our region.Water as Energy (4th-6th grade) - Through interactive and hands-on activities, this program explores the prominent inventions, inventors, and discoveries in the history of electricity and hydro-power in the region.

Have a specific program request? Please indicate below.

Grade (required)

Number of students (required)

Preferred Date? (required)

Preferred time? (9:00 a.m. or later) (required)

Special Needs?

Full Name (required)

School Name (required)

School Address:

Contact Email

Contact Phone Number