The Museum’s programs support Colorado’s academic and curriculum standards and focus on the multidisciplinary approach to understanding and appreciating Colorado’s rich geological and historical past.

Fees: Fees for schools which are classified as public institutions are waived. Private institutions and groups are encouraged to call the museum for more details. Donations are greatly appreciated.

Questions: Contact Charlotte at (970) 728-3344 x4, or e-mail at

Please Choose the Program You are Interested In:
Cool Colors with Dynamic Dyes - Explore the history of Ancient Pueblo Peoples in the four-corners region and the Anasazi Blanket. Students will get a chance to hand dye our own textile.Water as Energy - Through interactive and hands-on activities, this program explores the prominent inventions, inventors, and discoveries in the history of electricity and hydro-power in the region.Site to Exhibit - Follow the life of a historical artifact from its discovery to the museum!Day in the life of a Miner - Explore the growth of early Colorado industries through objects, historic photographs and role-playing. Become an “expert” in mining, saddlery and spurs, ice, millinery and dressmaking, and more!Hike into Geology - A guided hike to explore geologic formations. Students get to identify the geological forces that shaped our region.Moving Day - Students take a journey to explore the movement of people across Colorado from pre-history to 1870 through the exploration of objects, photographs and discussion.Ute STEM Kit - Students learn about how Ute people used Traditional Knowledge to thrive in Colorado using hands on STEM activities like basket technology, Ute shelter engineering and more.

Have a specific program request? Please indicate below.

Grade (required)

Number of students (required)

Preferred Date? (required)

Preferred time? (9:00 a.m. or later) (required)

Special Needs?

Full Name (required)

School Name (required)

School Address:

Contact Email

Contact Phone Number